Christmas to New Year
Well, I haven’t posted for a while, it’s definitely gotten harder to motivate myself since being here at Dean and Jenny’s cause I’m spending my time being social in the evenings when I normally would have been writing my blog. It is what it is. So I’ll do a general update covering Christmas through the new year!
A few days leading up to Christmas were busy with lots of good food and drinks and social activities. We go on evening walks a few times a week, which is a nice way to get out of the house when it’s getting hotter out. In the days leading up to Christmas we visited Dean and Jenny’s friends and had lots of delicious foods. We made some good Japanese dishes agadashi a fried tofu with soy dipping sauce, sushi, and miso soup. On Christmas we had latkes for breakfast and went to a friends house where were were were the audience of their friends’ grandchildren who are 2 and 1. They ran the show making sure they had everyone’s attention the entire time. We had a decadent lunch of ham/turkey/pulled pork/smoked salmon/stuffing/Mac and cheese/salad/potatoes/pumpkin/sweet potato. Followed by meringue, peach/apple pie, fruit, muffins, and lemon bars. So we were well fed. After we stopped at another friends house and I said hello to my soon to be car and played with their puppy. Upon returning home we all went into a food coma and passed out after exchanging some nice gifts. I did a painting of a magpie for Dean and a cockatoo for Jenny.
Boxing Day was a restful day where we hung around the house and rested followed by another feast of pork with very delicious crispy skin.
In the following days we did some shopping around looking at camping supplies before I start my next leg of my journey and looking at different things for my trip. I got my fancy new car, which is a lovely little Corolla and is great to drive around. I’m excited to take it on the road. I went through the painful process of getting insurance, but now everything is settled. We got a really nice Japanese dinner out on the water one night, with delicious treat.
New years was pretty relaxed we had a restful eve with delicious sea food appetizers of bugs (crustaceans) and coral trout collars (a cut of meat we got from the pro fisher next door which is often discarded because it’s not a fillet, but is delicious) and crumbed shrimp (prawns as they call them here). It was all delicious. We stayed up til midnight and watched a lightening storm with the fireworks from the house.
To start the new year I went for a 3k steep hike of a nearby mountain, and woof, it was hard work but good. We went for dinner with some other friends of Dean and Jenny’s and I played with their Burmese kittens which was the highlight of the evening.
Last couple of days I’ve been catching back up on some work and we got lunch with other friends and avoiding the heat of the day!
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