Golden Beach
The storm subsided in under and hour and I went back to bed. Later I learned that the storm was really bad to the west of me, and took out power for people for a few days, it still didn’t have power when I passed through 2 days later.
Anyway, the rain was pitter-pattering when I woke, but I packed up and had some breakfast before getting ready to hit the road. When I went to drive away though I was missing an essential item… my keys. I knew they had to be in my car because I hadn’t gone anywhere since I unlocked it, but they were no where to be found. I searched, for no exaggeration, an entire hour. I took everything out of my car and put it back in multiple times. My keys have an Apple tag on them and I tried ringing it but I could never hear it. Finally I realized that my phone can also tell distance of the Apple tag pretty well and I took everything out and held my phone over it. It was in my stuff, not in my car. One my one I carried all of my items away and packed the checking for the tag in them with my phone. Finally I found it rolled into my sleeping bag. I’ve never been more relieved and annoyed.
I finally hit the road and drove to Golden Beach about 7 hours away. I set up my tent despite the sand flies and made my way to the beach where there was relief from the bugs. It was absolutely stunning. I spent the rest of the day wandering up and down the beach.
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