Hastings Thermal Pools

Following my terrible night sleep, we headed north to Hastings Thermal Pools NP. There is a cave there too, but we didn’t visit that. We did however visit the thermal springs. The area had a pool filled with water from the thermal springs. You’ll note that I’m using the word thermal, not hot, because calling it hot is a bit of an exaggeration. The pool was only 75 degrees. Which for the gusty 50 degree weather is warm, but for water to swim… not so much. I braved the water anyway, and swam for a few minutes, before heading to the real star of the show, a limitless hot shower. You dont know the luxury of a limitless hot shower like one on a cold day and having only had one other one in a month. I’ve been living off of free cold showers at beaches and coin showers which range from $1-2/minute any only take $1 coins. I only have so many $1 coins. Oh to just stand in a steaming hot shower, honestly, it was a better shower than my hotel had too. Strong Pressure. Good Temperature Control. Hot. Taller than me. Ah it was a good shower. Writing this two days later I’m still reminiscing. Anyway, that was the highlight of the day. Following a good short walk I headed to the library and Quentin went out for another walk on his own and we met up at our next beach campground a few hours away. 


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