
(Google isnt letting me upload photos from my phone anymore so sorry about that ill try to figure it out)

Esperance. I am absolutely smitten with Esperance. I could write poetry of the beauty of Esperance and the surrounding areas. Its magnificent. 

The beaches are white as snow. The sand is so fine it feels soft. When its stuck to your skin (which is does easily because it is so fine) it doesn't feel itchy like most sand, but instead it is light and you can barely feel it. The ocean water is crystal clear. Standing in the cool blue water you can look down and see your toes like there is nothing in between but the darting silver fish. The shallow water is a bright turquoise  that looks unreal, even in google maps, and the deeper water is a dark rich blue. And the trails of Cape Le Grand National Park. What beauty. Large granite mounds come out of the lush shrubbery. I saw so many species of Banksia that were all fantastic. Some were trees while other looked like ferns coming out of the ground. I saw climbing sundews. I saw bladderworts that looked like little ladies in red dresses. The whole place was magical. It took my heart. We planned to stay a day or two. I ended up staying a week. I could stay longer, but I want to see what else there is, but I have a feeling I'll be back. I'm very smitten. 

Quentin and I hiked around Cape Le Grand together for a few days, but then we decided to part ways as I couldn't bring myself to leave yet, and wanted to spend a couple days resting and doing yoga on the beach and swim a bit. During our journey together we hiked the magnificent Frenchman's peak and walked some of the coastal trails marveling at the beautiful plants in the area. Every morning I'd wake up an hour before sunrise and hike from my campsite to a nearby granite hill and sit on the top with a couple shortbread cookies and a cup of coffee and watch the sunrise from under my blanket. It was a really lovely way to start each morning. 

The campsite I stayed in was great as it had a kitchen with gas burners and grills, and flush toilets (if you camp much you understand the luxury of this) and warm (although not hot) showers. I talked to the camp hosts and learned a bit about becoming a camp host (although it turns out they only train once a year and it's not until October so it does me no luck). The campsite did not have cell service, but I actually quite enjoy that sometimes as it gives me the opportunity to meditate and draw more without distractions. There was however great cell service a 10 minute drive down the road though so I didn't have any issues going and sitting and working for a few hours on a nearby peak every day at sunset. It was a really idyllic set up. 

On my last night in the camp I decided to succumb to achy joints despite my yoga and gentle exercises the last few days. I decided to head into town and get an airbnb for a couple nights to rest and relax. I figured I must have some sort of cold or just needed a night in a bed after a few weeks on the ground. I debated it heavily, but ultimately decided it was the right choice to treat myself. Well, I'm glad I did. I woke at 4-5am to howling winds, the radar said gusts up to 107 km/hour. I'm so glad I wasn't set up in a tent that night. I'm not sure if the tent would have survived the winds. I definitely wouldn't have slept that night. My sore muscles were gone by morning and on talking to my parents they suspect the pressure change may have been at fault. I'm grateful for learning to listen to my body and my gut when I need something. Traveling solo and camping has really given me an appreciation for listening to my instincts and making decisions based on my gut. It has only encouraged my lack of planning more than a day or two in advance though, as I learn, plans always change so why plan more than a day ahead anyway lol, which might not be the beset take away I've had of this journey.

This has been one of my favorite places I've been. Of all the places I've been in the world. Something about it is very special. Its beautiful, but also, there is something more, something about it just feels good.



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