Shark Bay

 The next stop along my drive was Shark Bay. The campsites there are along the ocean and limited to one night only, and you have to call the day of to book. I think it's kinda nice (if a bit short, maybe two nights would be better), but it gives the opportunity for more people to visit the area and experience the ocean campsites. I got to my site in the early afternoon and set up my tent behind my car to block the wind. The site didn't have any cell service, so I took it as a great opportunity to sit and draw and watch the sea. I enjoyed a few hours sitting, watching the sun get low over the ocean and enjoying a bit of artistic expression. 

Later in the day a caravan pulled up next to me and parked for the night. They parked a bit closer to me than I thought was necessary, but I wasn't too bothered. It was filled with a family with 3 young kids who were a bit noisy, and I was entertained by their antics, but I did find it funny how the parents kept yelling at their kids to be quiet to not disturb the other camper (me), but them yelling at their kids was significantly louder than the kids playing. I wanted to be like 'mate, you're louder than then and they are more fun to listen to anyway', but I let it go haha. 

It was a windy night with the wind whipping across my tent, even with my car trying to block some of it. It wasn't the best night sleep, but by halfway through the night the wind died down. I woke up just before sunrise and I opened my tent overlooking the ocean. I sat in my tent watching the sky change colors with a cup of coffee listening to music and just sat and enjoyed the view for a few hours before heading out.


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