Stirling Ranges
The next stop on my journey is Stirling Ranges National Park. It’s a unique and beautiful park full of incredible biodiversity. It’s a really interesting place. It’s surrounded by acres and acres of farmland, much of it yellow with canola flower. The farmland around it is generally quite flat, just a few rolling hills, but in the national park there are 6 major peaks and surrounding hills. To drive across the park north to south it’s only about 30 minutes, but that 30 minutes is full of incredible biodiversity. The 6 peaks are made of metamorphic rocks of quartz and shale making it extremely poor soil. This poor soil is one of the keys to the biodiversity of the region which allows for highly specialized plants. This small park has 87 endemic plant species, some found only on single mountaintops. It’s such a cool and unique place. Quentin headed to Bremer Bay and decided to meet me here in a few days. The first day I was ambitious and climbed two mountains. Mt Hassel and Talyuberl...