Cheynes and Albany

As the weather continued to look wet I decided to make my way to the big city, Albany (30k people which is big for here). I had some need for indoor spaces and figured it was time to get some life organization done in my life before Dad got here. On the first sunny morning I headed to Cheynes (pronounced 'Chains') beach where I spent the morning wandering through the National Park. I sat and watched honey eaters feed on brillant red Hakea coccina flowers, hoping to see a tiny honey possum, but I had no luck. Nonetheless, it was a beautiful morning wandering the coastal scrub amongst beautiful flowers. As the clouds rolled in I headed for Albany. The next two days promised strong winds and rain and I decided to splurge for a hotel room where I stayed for two nights working and preparing for potential future endeavors. A year ago I left Florida for my big adventure and it has not failed to be an incredible adventure. I've spent many hours reflecting on my time, which I will surely document here soon when I find some time to write more at length, but it's crazy to have surpassed an entire year now.


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