Days 44-47: fishing and working

This week has been good and restful. Monday and Tuesday were relaxed getting a bunch of work done and puttering around the house a bit. Trying to get some hours in so I could rest for a few days. Which was good. Tuesday afternoon we cruised around town and looked around the James Cook University Campus. It’s a pretty neat campus, and we saw lots of kangaroos munching in the lawns. Tuesday evening we got dinner with some of Dean and Jenny’s friends. One of the ladies daughter, was in her 50s, but had spent most of her life backpacking around the world from the sounds of it. She had a lot of stories, and was… a bit of a character. Her interests in traveling were “to go to the most dangerous places cause what’s the point of going somewhere safe”. Pretty much the opposite of my ideology on traveling, but to each their own I suppose. She had lots of stories, that’s for sure. Wednesday I didn’t really do much cause I had a splitting headache all day, so I mostly ...