Rainy days and Sappy Thoughts

Our next trip was intended to be Mt Field NP, but the forecast said heavy wind, snow, and rain so that idea quickly got thrown out. The weather wasn’t exactly pleasant so we spent most of the day inside at coffee shops/restaurants working and eating after a short couple mile walk on the beach. We began working our way north a bit where we stayed south of Mt. Wellington outside. We had the intention of waking up and doing a few hikes the next day, but after nearly getting blown away after the first hike we opted to head to Hobart for the day to find some shelter. We got a fantastic lunch and agreed that finding a shower was a great need, as I for one, was feeling like I looked as homeless as I am. I found out that there is a rec center in Hobart which is actually fantastic and for A$16 you can get a day pass to the pool/sauna/hot tub/steam room and of course locker room. I ended up spending nearly the entire day rotating between all the facilities and it was so warm and lov...